Write Geany plugins in Python!

Provides most of the standard Geany C API for Python.

Please note: GeanyPy here in geany-plugins is based on the upstream at https://github.com/codebrainz/geanypy which is still under development, however it is useful as is. Parts of the existing API which mirror the Geany C API will probably not change unless the Geany API changes, however new API may be added. Also documentation is needed, contributions are welcome.

How it works

In the src/ directory is a normal Geany plugin (plugin.c) which loads the Python interpreter. It then loads some C Python modules (dialogs.c, documents.c, etc.) that interface with Geany's C API. After that, it loads the geany Python module which is just glue/sugar-coating to make the C module more "Pythonic".

To write a plugin, inherit from the geany.Plugin class and implmenent the required members (see geany/plugin.py documentation comments). Then put the plugin in a searched plugin path. Currently two locations are search for plugins. The first is PREFIX/share/geany/geanypy/plugins and the recommended location is under your personal Geany directory (usually ~/.config/geany/plugins/geanypy/plugins). To load or unload plugins, click the Python Plugin Manager item under the Tools menu which will appear when you activate GeanyPy through Geany's regular plugin manager.

When the GeanyPy plugin is loaded, it has an option to add a new tab to the notebook in the message window area that contains an interactive Python shell with the geany module pre-imported. You can tinker around with API with this console, for example:

import geany

doc = geany.document.open_file("/some/file/here")


geany.dialogs.show_msgbox("Hello World")

geany.main_widgets.window.set_title("Hello Window")

def on_document_open(doc):
		print("Document '%s' was opened" % doc.file_name)

geany.signals.connect('document-open', on_document_open)


To build GeanyPy you need the following dependencies:

Running on Windows

Not currently supported for the geany-plugins version, see upstream https://github.com/codebrainz/geanypy.

Upstream developed by Matthew Brush.

Geany-plugins version maintained by elextr@lists.geany.org

Known Bugs