This plugin enables auto-closing features. Auto-closing works while you typing and intellectually helps you to write code.
- auto-close for: { }, [ ], ( ), " ", ' ', < >, ` `
- customizeable auto-closing inside strings and comments
- delete pairing character if you pressed BackSpace
- suppress inserting one char twice (if you type "{}" you will get "{}", not "{}}")
- enclose selected text into brackets instead of removing selection (select text and type "(" or ")" to enclose selection into "()")
- keep selection when enclosing
- for C-like languages enclosing selection into "{}" makes auto-indentation (select text and type "{" or "}" - text will be enclosed and indented)
- enclosing in {} moves cursor to beginning (before "{" character)
- for C-like languages to insert {}-block you do not need to select text precisely: plugin detects boundaries automatically, just ensure that selection covers lines you need to indent (works like TAB indentation)
- fix auto-indent inside {} (makes full indent for this block)
- auto-close curly bracket by pressing Enter
- auto-close functions ("sin(|" -> "sin(|);") with doubling suppression (for C/C++ languages only)
- remove paring brace when pressing Shift+BackSpace, unindent {}-blocks
- add semicolon after struct {|}; and class {|};
- move cursor to closed char by pressing Tab
Install the plugin (https://plugins.geany.org/install.html) then load it in Geany's plugin manager. You may change module preferences.
- GTK >= 2.8.0
Contact developers
Pavel Roschin <rpg89(at)post(dot)ru>