

GeanyLipsum is a plugin for Geany that implements a Lorem Ipsum generator to insert placeholder text into your document.


This version of the plugin is installed with the combined geany-plugins release. Please check README of this package


After installed successfully, load the plugin in Geany's plugin manager and a new menu item in the Tools menu will appear.

To insert Lorem Ipsum to your document, either use the appearing menu item or use the keystroke which you can configure inside Geany's preferences dialog. Inside the dialog you can set up a length of the text. Values between 1 and 5000 chars are available here. If you choose a length that is not fitting with the length of the Lipsum snippet shipped with this plugin it will be repeated and cut so you will always get the wished number of chars inserted.


You can checkout the current source code from the Subversion repository at Get the code from:

svn checkout

If you want to create a patch, please respect the license of GeanyLipsum as well as intellectual property of third. Patches that should be included to the default distribution must be licensed under the same conditions as GeanyLipsum by the copyright owner (GPL2+).

Known issues

At the moment, there is no known issue.

For more recent information all reported issues will be tracked at


GeanyLipsum and all its parts is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license can be found in the file COPYING included with the source code of this program. If not, you will be able to get a copy by contacting the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Bugs, questions, bugs, homepage

If you found any bugs or want to provide a patch, please contact Frank Lanitz (frank(at)geany(dot)org). Please also do so, if you got any questions and visiting didn't help you to figure out the answer. Visiting the website is also a good start if you want to check for any update on this plugin.

A more historical page can be found at